Friends of Health is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people experiencing medical crises or facing of life. We provide community and professional education on issues of acute and chronic illness, as well as grief. We affirm death as a completion within each life.

Who We Are

We provide aid to North Coast residents—from Westport to Elk—who are seriously ill, disabled, or dying.

What We Do

We help the helpers who care for North Coast residents by paying for medicine, equipment, and comfort items.

How to Help

We can’t do what we do without your support. We will use every penny to help others.                                                    


We are grateful to the following artists and photographers who allowed us to use their beautiful images on our website: Bruce LewisConnie FledderjohannJulie HigginsPaul HouseShannon HughesSharon Garner, and Suzi Long.

The light station featured on our website is the Point Cabrillo Light Station, a California State Historic Park. Bruce Lewis photographed this coastal landmark. The station is managed by the Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association, and they allowed us to use images of the light station.